Now that I have had the time to reflect on my experience at NACA, I have had realized how much I truly gained from the experience. My Ed sessions were all incredibly informative, the showcases were so entertaining, and camp was a blast.

There were three Ed sessions that stuck out to me he most. The first focused primarily on marketing, and my notes and ideas seem endless. I cannot wait to try and implement some of our marketing ideas. The second Ed session was on Pinterest and programming. Previously I had not given any thought to using Pinterest, but it is full of great and affordable marketing ideas. Lastly, I attended an Ed session that revolved around peer coaching. It was helpful and insightful to realize how you can impact others through a few simple steps.

My favorite showcase was a slam poet, though I cannot remember his name (I think it was Neil). He was so involved in his poetry, and you could really feel the emotion in his voice when he spoke. I was so wrapped up in his performance I forgot where I was.

Camp was super overwhelming at first, but we took our time navigating, and I talked to a number of vendors.

Overall, I am extremely satisfied with my experience. I feel that my trip to NACA was incredibly beneficial to me, my position, and ultimately the campus. I am very grateful for the opportunity to attend NACA.



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